This module covers the steps to create users, user access, hierarchy and their permissions in GTX CRM as per their role and departments.

Steps 1:

Login > Dashboard > Staff Management > Roles


System is designed in a way that no user can see other users data until they are given a specific role type or have a particiular permissions. Like a Manager can see the data of their team memebrs but can not see the data of a fellow manager or their superiors.

Roles allow the users to create hierarchy within the organizaiton. In General system allows 3 role types as below:

Role Tile:

It can be the Designation or to keep it simple you can make it Role Type based like Executive 


We recommend to create only 3 Role Types as below:

Role TitleRole TypeDescription
ExecutiveNoneFor all entry level staff who are not reporting manager to any other staff members.
Partners or AdminSuper AdminFor all those users who can have full data access.
ManagerReporting ManagerFor all the users who have a team or may have team in future and need access to those users data.


1. None:

All users created under None Role Type will have access to the data that is assigned to them and will not have access to other users data except for Operations which will be explained later.

Pro Tip:

You can create a Role Title as Executive with Role Type None for general staff like Sales, Tele Callers etc who should have access to only their own leads and cusotmers etc.

2. Super Admin:

A super admin user will have full access to the CRM like the main login who is having the ultimate rights to access the CRM. Role Title of a user can be anything but a userwill be treated as Super Admin if Role Type is selected as Is Super Admin.

Pro Tip: 

This role can be assigned to business partners or a key team member who is responsbile to manage entire system. However a super admin will have full access of data of only those modules which are assigned to a user.


3. Manager:

A manager user will also have limited access to the CRM of the given modules only but will also  have access to data of his team members. If a user tiles role type is defined as Is Manager that user can be assigned as reporting manager for other team memebrs in subsequent steps.  

Steps 1:

Login > Dashboard > Staff Management > Departments


Departments are created for users under different departments like Operations, Sales & Markeitng or Finance etc. However Operations Department will have some extra rights as they need to work on quotations and other items where lead owner is someone else so Operations Department users will have accesss to other users data as well in certain cases.

Once a Department is created it will be listed as below. To mark any department as "Operations" do click on check box under is Operations as below to mark a particualr department as Operations Department. 

Steps 3:

Login > Dashboard > Staff Management > Staff


Staff are the internal users of the company who will work day on day within the CRM system and will manage activites as per their roles and departments. Under this section users can be created along with their module access rights.

Once you click on Add Staff below screen will be available where you need to enter Staff Details with unique email Id and mobile number. You also need to select the role and department of the user as per their roles in the company.

Pro Tip:

  1. Some organziaiton wants that all proposals or communicaiton should go form a specific email ID only or for a particular staff proposal should go from a particualr email id in that case one can uncheck the Sender ID Self check box and map the email ID from whcih user can send the email. Sender ID can be created from Settings  > Communicaitons > Sender ID
  2. It is advisable to create the other Super Admin users first then Managers and at the end Executive level staff should be created.

  3. Please ensure to use official email ID for sender email ID and users email ID in case they are sending emails from their own email ID.

Step 3.1 - User Login

Step 3.2 - More Informaiton

Under this section one can update more information of a staff along with their reporting manager from RM tab. By default all RM 's are set to Main Admin user however same can be changed from RM tab below to their respective manager.

Step 3.3 - Staff Address

Under this section one can upload the Staff office Address and upload an image of the staff to give personal touch to the proposals.

Step 3.4 - Permission Control

Under this section system allows to give access to various modules of the CRM. If any user is a Super Admin and have not been granted access of CRM/Sales they will not be able to access the CRM/Sales Modules.

Pro Tip:

In case you have a different sales team and operations team that created the master packages and day to day quotes give CRM/Sales access to the Sales Team and not to the Operations team and for Operations team give them the access of Operations module only along with My Suppliers under CRM/Sales.

In case you have a marketing team that will be doing your FB/Insta leads management or Email and Landing Page creation and marketing give them access of Marketing Module only. 

Step 3.5 - Signature

Under this section one can manage the default signature of the staff. We recommend to use Default Signature as it will have all data automatically from your profile. However if one have their own signature they can use the Custom Signature for the same. 

Additional Permissions:

Secure Login: To allow OTP based login within India.

API Booking: Users with API booking marked as checked will be able to search and book the flights within the CRM using TJ or TBO API if it is implemented in your respecive account. Users who do not have permissions will be able to search and share but for booking they need to enter the OTP which will be sent to the owners mobiler and email id. 

API Masking: Recommended for all users to safegueard the data copy in bulk using screenshot or copy paste on lisitng pages.

Finance: Mark Finance as checked for the Finance staff who should be notified about the payments coming on portal or updated by staff inclduing B2B deposit requests. 

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Happy learning !

Team helloGTX