Under this module we will cover on how to create Lead Sources and Assign these Leads from Various Sources to team members .
Steps to Access:
Login to GTX Travel CRM > Settings > Lead Source
To Create your own Lead Source click on Add Lead Source Button to add your own lead sources like Facebook, WhatsApp, WalkIns, BNI or any other sources as you wish to create.
Step 1: Click on Add Lead Source
Step 2: Enter the Lead Source Name, Submit and it's Done.
Lead Distribution:
GTX CRM offers multiple ways to distribute a lead depending upon lead source like B2C or B2B, Service type like Flight, Hotel, Holidays etc. or in case of Holidays, system also allows to distribute leads based on Destinaiton or Regions like United Arab Emirates, Middle East, North India, Kerala, Thailand and so on.. so that any specific destinaiton leads can be distributed to the respected destination expert as well.
Below lisitng screen offers all the lead sources and a check box in case leads from the source is coming automaticlay like B2C website or B2B website or Network etc.
In case of website it also gives option of services and it allows to enter staff name against each servcie type or lead type. It also allows you to enter multiple staff memebrs for a single type and in this case lead will be allocated on round robin to these staff members.
Facebook/ Instagram Leads Allocation:
This is explained under Marketing Module where you will have option to integrate your Facebook account for leads and under each lead form system allows you to allocate leads of each lead form to the respective staff members.
Click here to learn about Facebok/ Instagram lead distribution.
Watch a Video about Lead Source and Distribution below:
Happy Learning !
Team helloGTX