In this module, our primary emphasis will be on providing you with step-by-step guidance for crafting dynamic email campaigns and constructing landing pages. These landing pages will be interconnected with the emailers, and we will also cover the creation of standalone emailers.

Unique Features:

Interconnected Emailers and Landing Pages: This feature facilitates the seamless integration of email campaigns with corresponding landing pages and website content, enabling users to access detailed package information.

Email to Booking: This functionality streamlines the transition from email interactions to either viewing package details, receiving instant quotations, or finalizing bookings.

Steps to Access:

In case you are looking for dynamic emailers for multiple packages we recommend to create emailers thru Landing Pages and in case you are looking for image based emailers you can access it via Emailers.

For Dynamic Emailers linked with Landing Pages - recommended

    CRM > Marketing > Manage Landing Pages

Manage Landing Pages [For Image based emailers] 

    GTX Travel CRM > Marketing 

Below Process is shown using CRM > Marketing > Manage Landing Pages

In this screen you will notice 5 options in the top to create landing pages which are as below:

  1. Detailed: In case you want to create a detailed landing page and want to display testimonials, reviews and some logos etc on the landing page we recommned using the Detaild Landing Page. [Sample Link -]
  2. 3 Column: In case you want to market packages in multiple of 3 and focus on image we recommend to use 3 Column layout. [Sample Link -]
  3. 2 Column: In case you want to market packages in multiple of 2 and display some detailes or fixed departue dates we recommend to use 2 Column layout. [Sample Link -]

  4. Single Column: In case you want to display packages in a single coulms and display some detailes or fixed departue dates we recommend to use this layout. This layout can be used in case you have a group departure package and want to take booking on the same. You can try using this layout. [Sample Link -]

  5. Visa: In case you want to promote Visa you can use this layout to create Visa landing pages and emails.  

Watch a Video to learn Landing page and emailer creation: